
Showing posts from 2025

February Meeting Minutes & next meeting 3.13.25

Last month we had Jersey Boy's pizza, and brownies and cookie desserts.  We were thinking it might be nice to try to do a pot luck with having everyone bring something easy to snack on, if they have the time and want to bring something. We also saw a lot of nice photos.  I will post some of my favorites below. We had a new member Gray Emery Gove and he will have a  show will be March 20-23  at the expo park in Great Falls.  He brought in one of his prints that he did in a dark room, from a Roloflex camera and mounted on wood. His booth is 70 in The Great Western Show . Check out his web site:  www. Gray Next meeting is March 13th, 2025 at 6 PM at Whitefish Library.  Bring photos to share and any snacks that you want to bring. Marguerite showed us some shots from Ski Joring practice days Dee brought us images from the ice on Whitefish Lake! Frank brought in some shots from Glacier, back when we could just drive in. Tony brought in some g...

Meeting Minutes and next meeting 2.13.25 at the Whitefish Library 6 PM

Our next meeting is 2.13.25 at the Whitefish Library 6 PM At the last meeting, Frank proposed a theme for this meeting -   Christmas lights. So Dee brought this image of lights refracted in the corrugated  glazing of a small greenhouse. Dee showed another classic seasonal image - from the Big Ug, also   known as Big Mountain, for its famous fog.   Reeder's Alley in Helena has charming little historic buildings. It was so good to see Madelynne and John again!  Madelynne got  terrific images of the northern lights dancing over the mountains and  a historic barn, and an atmospheric image of a handsome buck. Tony caught the serene spirit of Christmas in Whitefish in the wee hours.   For sure, there is Christmas magic in the sparkles - check out the  cropped close up!   Tony also showed photographs rendered into paintings, but I think  these swans are poetry.