Large-Format Slide Show to Highlight Original Photos from E.B. Gilliland 8.18.2021 6PM -CANCELLED

Postponed to due COVID concerns - this even will not take place at this time When NWMTHS founder and longtime Kalispell photographer Ed Gilliland passed away last September, he undoubtedly left a hole that many will struggle to fill, the Museum included. But he also left behind his photography, which was his driving passion in life and captured Montana skies like few have done before or since. Photography historian and NWMTHS board member Arne Boveng will present a “analog film night” of Ed’s photography on Wednesday, August 18 , from 6 - 8 pm at the Northwest Montana History Museum. This will not be your typical digital or Kodak Carousel slide show - all the slides that Arne will present are larger format, at least two or three times larger than the typical 35 mm. The brilliance, clarity, and precision of these slides (which are mounted between glass plates) is far greater than nearly any other photograp...