Meeting minutes from November and next meeting 12.12.24

Our next meeting is the second Thursday of the month 12.12.2024 at 6 PM at the Whitefish Library.  

It is our holiday meeting, if you have something to share for our gift exchange please bring it.  Either wrapped or not, it is up to you. 

Typically we suggest if you have any photography gear that you are no longer using bring it, if you do not, you do not need to bring anything. 

If you want to bring a snack or goodies to share that is always welcome too.

Bring photos along too, please keep them to under 25 images, since we will have the gift exchange and time will be limited.

Meeting minutes from November

We had a great meeting with a few new members and lot of amazing photography to enjoy.  Below are a few from each member.

Tony Gangemi brought us a wide variety of shots. 
Amazing snow geese, sandhill cranes, Great Grey owl, baldies and more.  

Sidney Stone went up to Alaska to a fly in style lodge to shoot bears! 

Leanne volunteers in Glacier Park and was part of a study that counted how many Golden Eagles migrate near Mount Brown Lookout.  How amazing!  

Melissa showed the club some night time shots from Glacier and portrait work.  Did not expect it to be a portrait of a bear, moose or goat!

Kyle decided to step back in time and shoot film.  Shooting film you have to think before shooting, double checking settings, exposure, etc.  He showed the club some shots from Hungry Horse, and the park, having to pay more attention to framing up his shots.

I traveled over to Italy to see my relatives.  I love the history over there, it makes the US seem so young, when you hear how old structures are in Europe. Jeff and I flew into Meadow Creek in Spotted Bear a bunch in the fall time.

Frank showed the club some up close and personal wildlife shots, graffiti shots, shots from Yellowstone and Glacier.  He also brought some amazing snow ghost shots, getting us excited for what La Nina might bring.

Dee brought us back to summer with some flower shots.  Showing us a secret location for the rare yellow lady slipper, coral root and more.  I enjoyed her shot trying to capture the pollen from a pine tree.


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